Child in the city

20 mei 2019 09:00Add to Calender 2019-05-20 07:00:00 2019-05-20 07:00:00 Child in the city | Netwerk Duurzame Mobiliteit Internationaal seminarie met thema: Kinderen in de duurzame stad Antwerpen Netwerk Duurzame Mobiliteit [email protected] Europe/Brussels public
21 mei 2019 17:00

Child in the city is een internationaal seminarie met als thema: Kinderen in de duurzame stad.

"Welcome to the third Child in the City International Seminar that takes place in Antwerpen, Belgium on 20-21 May 2019. The main theme of this seminar is Children in the sustainable city. This is a joint project of the Child in the City Foundation and the City of Antwerp.

The Child in the City International Seminar’s bringing together experts and policymakers from different relevant fields around a specific theme of the child-friendly city agenda."

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